VertexNet 're a botnet / loader programmed in c + + for it DarkCoderSc French . It serves to control PCs via commands from a web panel .
La ventaja of this program that are remote administration can sign them manage remote PCs from Cualquiera web browser like Firefox can sign being , Opera, Chrome , so a obteniendo mejor anonymity

Sus basic functions are :

- Download file
- Ejecutar
- Send message
- Keylogger
DDoS - simple
Remote - Shell
Read - file
- Uninstall
- Visit pagina web
- Update server

Sunset in progress :

VertexNet works like otras them as Zeus botnet , and you need some basic conocimientos site to configurarlo dejarlo and running.

1 - Getting a web host that supports PHP and MySQL for web panel it up , you can sign one be free payment .

2- Create a user and one database in mysql .

3 - Import las tablas : Logueate en tu tu panel in mysql host , look into the matter and main pagina en donde dice " file to import" select file it "Web Panel \ SQL \ vertexnet.sql " de tu pc , after preciona in continue and should appear something like this : "The import is successful ejecutó if ejecutaron 12 queries."

4 - Modify file it "Web Panel \ inc \ connection.inc.php " with the data connection of the database and guardarlo .
5 - Load all them archivos del panel web host al .

6 - Open it VNBuilder.exe modify the data of the web server and generar it


You must have a FTP and web host that support PHP/MySQL, i recommend you to choose the most simples webhosts that doesn't
contain any subdomains

Upload the whole /Panel/*.* in your FTP server.

Via phpMyAdmin(for example) create a new database (VertexNet for example) then click on SQL menu and past the whole file content
    (/Panel/SQL/vertexnet.sql) in the text area then run the sql. >> The new tables might apear and be ready for use.
    ALT :
You can also use the menu import to download your sql file and automatically execute it.
Then open your chosen url, normally a login page apear by default logins are :

  • Username and password to enter panel al web

User : AnonYmous-IQ

Password : AnonYmous-IQ


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